In this issue
How was 2013 for your business?
Cork Chamber Calls for Merger of Cork City and Cork County Councils
Have your say: Upgrade of Shannon Park Roundabout and Shanbally junctions on the N28.
National Competitiveness Council publishes submission to the Action Plan for Jobs 2014
Subsidised Training
Why not make Upskilling your New Years Resolution for 2014?!
Marketing for the Future – Are you Ready?
Cork Chamber Networking Master Class
Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber
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Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber

Horizon 2020: First call for projects

Calls for projects under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s €80 billion research and innovation programme, have been made available.  Worth more than €15 billion over the first two years, the funding is intended to help boost Europe's knowledge-driven economy, and tackle issues that will make a difference in people's lives. Most calls from the 2014 budget are already open for submissions, with more to follow over the course of the year. Calls in the 2014 budget alone are worth around €7.8 billion, with funding focused on the three pillars of Horizon 2020:

  • Excellent Science: Around €3 billion, including €1.7 billion for grants from the European Research Council for top scientists and €800 million for Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships for younger researchers
  • Industrial Leadership: €1.8 billion to support Europe's industrial leadership in areas like ICT, nanotechnologies, advanced manufacturing, robotics, biotechnologies and space.
  • Societal challenges: €2.8 billion for innovative projects addressing Horizon 2020's seven societal challenges, broadly: health; agriculture, maritime and bioeconomy; energy; transport; climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials; reflective societies; and security.

€19 million Erasmus+ funding for Ireland for 2014

€19 million will be available in Ireland in 2014 for education, training, youth and sport, under the European Union's new Erasmus+ programme.  This represents some 9.1% increase compared to the funding received in 2013 from the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes, two of the seven programmes coming under the new Erasmus+ programme. Students, trainees, volunteers and staff will be able to avail of programmes through their respective organisations.

The new Erasmus+ programme will also support students who wish to study a Master's programme in another European country through a Student Loan Guarantee Facility with favourable pay-back terms. 

Organisations wishing to bid for funding in 2014 through Erasmus+, the European Union's new programme for education, training, youth and sport, may start to prepare their grant applications by clicking here.


New Citizens Information leaflets launched

The launch of the new series of EU Citizens Information leaflets took place at the European Commission Representation last week. The 8 leaflets, which are a joint initiative of the Citizens Information Board and the European Commission Representation in Ireland provide comprehensive information in clear, jargon-free language on topics such as “Moving within the EU”, “The EU and consumers”, “The EU and the Environment”, “EU Funding”, "Equality and Non-Discrimination", “The EU’s role in social and employment issues”, etc. To download these links, please click here.


Eurostat publishes fifth report on Sustainable Development in the EU

Eurostat has just published its fifth Monitoring report on Sustainable Development in the European Union. The report, which is based on the EU set of sustainable development indicators, provides an objective, statistical picture of progress towards the goals and objectives of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy. To view this report, please click here.

Business Partnership Opportunities

  • A Belgian chocolate manufacturer is looking for agents, representatives or distributors to promote its brands and product range in Ireland. It provides high quality products, with a large range of flavours, from around the world. The products are made from 100% cocoa butter and contain neither conservatives nor colourants. For further information, contact and quote BOBE20131023001.
  • An Italian company, specialised in distribution activities, transport and logistics, is looking for processed ferrous scrap. The company wishes to offer its services as distributor to companies that deal with selection, processing, and recycling of ferrous materials that come from post-consumption and from industrial processing. For further information, contact and quote BRIT20131129001.
  • A Maltese company with a 90 strong team of specialists focused on various sectors of the Information Technology industry. Solutions span IT security, IT infrastructure, Financial, Asset Management, Payroll and HR Solutions. The company is looking for potential partners in the banking and financial services sector for subcontracting, commercial agreements and joint cooperation for new market applications. For further information, please contact and quote BOMT20130828001.

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