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International Connections for your Business

Creative Connections, a Bridging Borders Event, 3rd March, Derry

Event Overview

Are you are an ambitious business looking to develop new products and services?  By using the technical or commercial expertise from the Enterprise Europe Network we can help you get your idea or product to market fast.  From 2008 – 2014 the Network helped 2.8 million SMEs to innovate and grow internationally.

Join the Enterprise Europe Networks in Ireland and Northern Ireland for "Creative Connections" - a one day free event in Derry’s Everglade Hotel on Thursday 3 March.

This event will offer a range of opportunities for businesses to collaborate, innovate and prosper. The Creative Industries sector covers a wide spectrum from digital software, through film and television to arts and crafts. Interested businesses from all sectors are welcome. 

The event consists of presentations in the morning (as listed below) followed by the pre-arranged face to face meetings as chosen by you.

Main presentation topics

  • European Funding Opportunities (under Horizon 2020)
  • Collaborating with international suppliers and international customers to create new musical content/products  
  • Creating humane digital characters for movies, television and gaming
  • Business opportunities within the European Culture programme 
  • International clustering: The Film Cluster, Denmark
  • How the NI music sector collaborates internationally

Why you should attend and participate

  • Opportunity to promote your business
  • Find out about market trends and innovations
  • Find out about EU funding opportunities
  • Find new commercial and/or technology partners
  • Expand your sales reach to new territories
  • Learn from experienced practitioners

Click here to book your place or contact Eileen Kelly for further information. 

Stepping Stones to the UK, 16th March, Nimbus Centre, CIT

The seminar is being run in association with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and the Rubicon Centre and will include nuggets of information for Irish SMEs that aspire to entering the UK market. It will take place from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. Speakers on the day will include: Chris Lyons, EEN Bristol; Shirley McCay, Director of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) in Dublin and Dirk Schaefer, Manager of the University of Warwick Science Park. The speakers will talk about opportunities for exporting Irish SMEs and there will also be case studies from Irish companies who have successfully entered the UK market.

The UK Market is a key market for Irish companies and accounts for €4 out of every €10 generated in total worldwide export sales from Ireland, with an estimated 48,000 Irish people running their business in Britain ('Access Great Britain', Enterprise Ireland, 2014).

Over €1.32 billion (GB£1 billion) of trade in goods and services is carried out between Britain and Ireland every week, with both countries being amongst the fastest growing economies in Europe presently.

Geographically close, the UK marketplace, with a population of 64 million, is on Ireland's doorstep with similar operating environments. It's an obvious choice for many companies when looking outwards. By being present in the UK, Irish companies are connected to a wealth of opportunities, especially in Construction/Engineering, Technology, Business and Financial Services, Food and Drink, and Agritech.

Places for the seminar can be booked here.

Following a complimentary light lunch, attendees will have the option of booking 1:1 meetings with the support agencies at the seminar. Please specify in the registration comments box if you wish to avail of a 1:1 meeting.  Please note that pre-booking is required for this element. Contact Katherine for further information.


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