In this issue
Subsidised Training
Let’s talk Digital!!
Cork Chamber/Network Cork Executive Lunch featuring Deirdre O’Connor
Agri-Food and Drinks Launch
Business Breakfast with Paul Quinn, Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Government Procurement
Horizon 2020: EU funding for Research and Innovation - Opportunities for Cork Companies
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Subsidised Training
Let’s talk Digital!!

The online reputation of a business is an invaluable asset and maintaining, managing and improving this reputation is now a full-time job. Our Digital Marketing/Social Media for Business Course is designed for businesses that want to get more business using social media and who wish to reinforce their offline reputation, online! 


PS!! Our Effective Presentation Skills course is running on the 6th May and this course is ideal for those who want to learn how to structure a presentation for maximum impact and effect!

Digital Marketing/Social Media for Business Training Course

Course Dates: 4 Days (6th, 13th, 20th and 27th May) All Four Days can be booked together or individual days of interest can be booked separately.

Member Rate: €440.00 for the four days or €140.00 per individual day.

What’s involved?

This four day course will provide an in depth insight into the latest innovations in Online Marketing and Digital Media. The course will also give an overview of social media use and look at LinkedIn for the business generation.

  • Day 1: Search Optimisation, website conversion and web traffic tools;
  • Day 2: Content Creation: Using a blog or your website to create attractive content;
  • Day 3: Twitter & LinkedIn for Business;
  • Day 4: Mobile Future: Should you create an app? What is the work involved? Getting your company ready for the mobile revolution.

What will I be able to do?

Following this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how search engines work
  • Make changes to a website to increase site traffic
  • Execute targeted ad campaigns online
  • Know why blogs are good for business
  • Build a plan for your business plan to increase traffic and leads to the website
  • Build a Facebook presence for your company
  • Build a Twitter business profile
  • Improve your LinkedIn profile and know how to use it as a calling card for your work
  • Be familiar with mobile apps
  • Create a marketing plan for your social media properties and devise one based on available resources

Who should attend?

This course is for any business that wants to reduce marketing and sales costs, that wants to get more business using social media and wants to reinforce their offline reputation, online.

This course is suited for those in marketing, communications, sales and company positions that define business strategy. This course is €440.00 for Chamber members for the entire four days or days can be booked individually for €140.00 each. BOOK NOW!


Effective Presentation Skills

Course Date: 6th May

Member Rate: €130.00

This course will help the participant understand presentation techniques and how to effectively use various “Spices” to enhance their presentation. A practical hands-on approach is taken, allowing participants to practice and deliver their presentations a number of times throughout the day. One of these sessions is recorded and feedback will be offered.

The main objectives are:

  • Understand the importance of knowing your audience
  • Plan an effective presentation
  • Overcome Nerves
  • Beginning and ending a presentation successfully
  • Be familiar with a strong presentation structure
  • Getting the audience’s attention and keeping it
  • Establishing the audience's attention and keeping it
  • Properly using your eyes, hands, voice and stance
  • Handling Q & A

Who should attend?

This course is ideal for anyone who would like to gain confidence when designing and delivering a presentation and would like to learn a process that can be applied for all future presentations.

Participants should come to the course with a Presentation topic in mind. When choosing your topic, bear in mind that initially you will build your presentation around your chosen topic and deliver it at the end of the day. Therefore, it should be a topic that you are familiar with and one that you would be comfortable speaking on. It can, but does not have to be work related.

Following this course, participants will know how to structure a presentation to gain maximum effect and impact, control their nerves and convey a professional image through the presentation.

Cork Chamber/Network Cork Executive Lunch featuring Deirdre O’Connor

Date: 25th April
Time: 12.30pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Hayfield Manor Hotel
Cost: €60pp
To Book: HERE


Cork Chamber is delighted to join forces with Network Cork to host an Executive Lunch on Friday 25th April in Hayfield Manor, focusing on Women in Leadership with one of the most powerful Irish women in business in the USA, Deirdre O’Connor.

Deirdre, originally from Cobh, is currently the Managing Director at a Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund, she is a Chartered Management accountant with CIMA and GCMA and is a fellow at the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and previously Deirdre was a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs where she was Controller of $150 Billion of Assets under Management. 


Agri-Food and Drinks Launch
Date: 12th May
Time: 12.30pm – 2.00pm
Venue:Triskel Theatre, Christchurch
To Book: CLICK HERE for further details and to register your place.


Cork Chamber will launch Cork’s first ever Agri-Food and Drinks Strategy on Monday 12th May in the Triskel Theatre, with special guest speaker Minister Simon Coveney T.D.  Opportunities within the agri-food and drinks sector have increasingly moved under the spotlight and this sector is increasingly seen as the growth area for the future.

Cork, with its long and rich heritage, abundant natural resources, intellectual capital and technical capabilities has a distinctive opportunity to position itself as a region of leading capability in the global market.


Business Breakfast with Paul Quinn, Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Government Procurement

Date:  21st May
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Clarion Hotel
Cost: €25 members/€35 non members
To Book: HERE


Cork Chamber will welcome Chief Procurement Officer Paul Quinn to speak at the May Business Breakfast. The public sector procures about €190m in goods and services every year.

This presents huge opportunities for SMEs to get involved with public work and give themselves an opportunity to grow nationally and internationally.



Horizon 2020: EU funding for Research and Innovation - Opportunities for Cork Companies

Date:  1st May
Venue: UCC Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Room G05.
To Book: HERE
Cost: Free


Supported by UCC, Cork Chamber, Cork innovates & Junior Chambers International, Cork

Dr Seán McCarthy, Managing Director of Cork based company Hyperion Ltd, will deliver a workshop on EU funding opportunities for Cork companies (including SMEs) to engage in new research and innovation under the Horizon 2020 programme.  


This workshop will provide companies with an overview of the programme, describing how large and small companies can participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union’s recently launched research and innovation programme.  Between 2014 and 2020 €80 billion will be spent on this programme with Ireland striving to secure €1.25 billion of this fund.

This workshop will provide a road map for companies new to European research programmes, describing how large and small companies can participate.  There will also be an opportunity to network with some of the agencies charged with supporting the programme as well as contact details for the Horizon 2020 support services at European, national and local level.

Workshop Timetable:

  • 19:00   Refreshments and networking
  • 19:30  Opening by Professor Anita Maguire, Vice President for Research and Innovation, UCC
  • 19:45  Horizon 2020: Opportunities for Cork Companies Dr Seán McCarthy Hyperion Ltd
  • 21:00  UCC Support Services for Horizon 2020
  • 21:15  Closing remarks

Dr McCarthy specialises in designing training courses for researchers who participate in European research programmes; to date he has delivered training to over 45,000 researchers in 29 countries over the past 17 years.

UCC, Cork Chamber, EEN Cork, Cork innovates and Junior Chambers International are delighted to support this workshop and extend a sincere thank you to Dr Seán McCarthy for his engagement with each organisation.


University College Cork & Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 will tackle societal challenges by helping to bridge the gap between research and the market by, for example, helping innovative enterprise to develop their technological breakthroughs into viable products with real commercial potential. This market-driven approach will include creating partnerships with the private sector and Member States to bring together the resources needed.

This programme represents an enormous opportunity for UCC researchers to leverage national funding, collaborate nationally and internationally, and work with the private and other sectors to deliver economic and societal benefit for the region and the nation. Building on its success in FP7, UCC aims to achieve a greater number of successful participations in new projects accessing non-exchequer funds from Horizon 2020.

Cork Chamber is the leading business organisation for the promotion and development of economic and commercial activity in the Cork Region. A core function of the Chamber is to ensure that quality infrastructure and support services are in place to facilitate Cork-based business activity and growth.  Representing approximately 1,100 businesses in the Cork Region, the Chamber recognises the valuable opportunity that Horizon 2020 provides for innovative businesses and supports this event as a key opportunity to foster collaboration and business participation in Horizon 2020. 

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at Cork Chamber is an Initiative of the European Commission,  established to provide innovation and business support to SMEs across the EU and to identify business partners in the international marketplace.   With over 600 (EEN) partners in over 50 countries globally the EEN offers a wide range of free services and supports to SME

Cork innovates supports the creation of a best-in-class entrepreneurial environment within the Cork region by building on and maximising the collective value of partner members, and in turn delivering innovative, unique and complimentary initiatives in support of the Cork entrepreneurial community.

Junior Chamber International Cork is part of an international organisation aimed at attracting members aged 18-40, with a strong focus on leadership, entrepreneurship and active citizenship. It is also a member of the Cork Chamber. The organisation has a strong focus on developing young leaders by involving them in many worthwhile projects which add to and enhance community life in Cork.


Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
  • The EU Japan Centre in Tokyo is offering a free ‘About Japan’ webinar series in May
  • International Engineering Cooperation Day – Engineering 2014, 21st May 2014, Nitra, Slovakia
  • International Matchmaking Event at Greater Region (GR) Business Days, 18th-19th June 2014, Luxemburg
  • Business Growth in UK Markets, Liverpool, June-July 2014

The EU Japan Centre’s Centre for Industrial Cooperation’s FREE webinar series

The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is a venture between the European Commission and the Japanese Government, a non-profit organisation established as an affiliate of the Institute of International Studies and Training (IIST). It aims at promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan. The centre is organising a free “About Japan” webinar series in May and its details are as follows:


Webinar A:

Title: Essentials of Patent Information from Japan

Date: 6th May 2014

Time: 09:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Description: The seminar will outline how to search for Japanese patent information online and how to understand the information retrieved. The expected learning outcomes are:

  • How to decipher Japanese patent document types and number formats
  • How to search for Japanese patent documents online
  • How to access English translations of Japanese patents
  • How to retrieve additional patent information
  • Speaker: Maki Umemura, Cardiff University
  • Webinar link: HERE


Webinar B:

Title: Opportunities in Japanese Services Economies

Date: 13th May 2014

Time: 09:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Description: This webinar will focus on how to seize business opportunities in Japan’s service economy. Its expected learning outcomes will be as follows:

  • How to find free information on the Japanese and Asian business environments and make a preliminary assessment of potential opportunities there
  • Find out how to identify Japanese partners and formulate a market entry strategy in both Japan and Asia
  • Find local and continued support services to sustain business growth


Speakers: Chieko Nakabayashi of United International Business School and Max Berre of the Knowledge House, Maastricht

Webinar link: HERE 

Webinar C:

Title: Renewable Energy in Japan

Date: 20 May 2014

Time: 09:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Description: The webinar will focus on Japanese Renewable Energy and the expected learning outcomes for this seminar are:

  • Outlooks for 2014
  • What are the Japanese Government’s targets, incentives and regulations for the Renewable Energy sector?
  • What are the sector’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • Which technology or market segment has the most potential for investors?
  • What are the market’s key challenges?
  • What opportunities lie for European energy companies and investors?


Speaker: Philippe Huysveld, Senior Consultant and CEO at Global Business & Management Consulting (GBMC)

Webinar link:



To register for the EU Japan Centre’s webinars which are outlined above, please note that you will firstly need to become a registered member of the EU Japan Centre and you can register with the Centre by clicking here. Meanwhile existing members can register for the webinars by logging into the membership area, which can be accessed by clicking here.


International Engineering Cooperation Day – Engineering 2014, 21st May 2014, Nitra, Slovakia

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) office in Slovakia and the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) are co-organising Engineering 2014, an event which is targeted towards organisations offering or seeking technologies, tools and solutions in the field of engineering. The event will offer attendees the opportunity to establish new business contacts with potential partners from Slovakia and other European countries. The event will also include panel discussions on tenders and emerging trends in the field of engineering. The day’s proceedings will be conducted in English and the cost of attending the event is €25 per person. For further information, please contact Dominka Dubovská (, Project Manager at Sario. 


International Matchmaking Event at Greater Region (GR) Business Days. 18th-19th June 2014, Luxembourg

This international matchmaking event takes place in the Greater Region (GR) which is in the heart of Europe. The GR encompasses Luxembourg, Wallonia (Belgium), Lorraine (France), the Rhineland (Germany) and Saarland (Germany). Due to its location at the crossroads of Europe, the GR is an example of European integration. GR Business days is a specialised multi-sector trade fair; focusing on the most important sectors of the region. In particular, the event will focus on the following sectors:

  • Eco Construction and Sustainable Development
  • Life Sciences and Biotechnology
  • Automotive
  • Environment and Renewable Energy
  • ICT and E-Commerce
  • Transport and Logistics
  • Training and Education
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Banking and Finance


To register for this event, please click here. If you require more specific information, please contact Sabina Sagramola  HERE.


Business Growth in UK Markets

Register now for the Liverpool International Festival of Business (registration is free) and access your business to the festival’s International Hub where you can meet with other key businesses, network and create new contacts/partnerships. The festival also offers a Business Brokering system that will help you to identify distribution partners, joint venture partners and suppliers. Register at: IFB Business Club. For further information about this event, contact

Find out more about Cork Chamber

Cork Chamber Works for your Business

News Headlines

1. KBC 'Bright Ideas' Adds Up to Better Communities In Cork - Read More HERE
2. Potential for Creation of 100,000 Jobs - Read More HERE
3. Circular 10/14 A Welcome Revision But Must Have Immediate Impact  - Read More HERE
Alliance Franҫaise de Cork accredited the Official Exam Centre for Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris Diplomas - Read More HERE
5. Cork Foundation Launches Second Tranche of Funding For Cork Enterprise - Read More HERE

Open Day at Cork Chamber

On Friday 25th April from 10am -12pm we would like to invite you to Cork Chamber Offices on Summerhill North. Open to both members and non-members you will have an opportunity to meet with key members of the team to learn the specific ways in which Cork Chamber can help your business.
Please forward this information to anyone who would be interested in learning more about Cork Chamber or feel free to pop in for a cup of coffee on the day. Contact us on 021-4509044 to book ahead.

Members Offers
Summer Sizzler 2014

Period of the offer available:  May/June & July  


BBQ at The Montenotte Hotel with spectacular views over looking the City, only €21.00 per person includes summer fruit punch, BBQ, glass of wine or a bottle of beer & bar extension. Based on numbers of 100+. Our Chamber colleagues  get two complimentary bedrooms for their group on booking. (mention Chamber on booking on 4530050)    


Member Events
Munster Rugby Awards Lunch 2014

Date: 8th May
Time: 12.15 – 15.00
Maryborough Hotel & Spa Cork

Cost: €65 per person
To book: HERE

On Thursday 8th May the Munster Rugby Awards Lunch takes places in the Maryborough Hotel & Spa in Cork in conjunction with the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind. This annual event celebrates the best of rugby in the province, from the Domestic game right up to the main award of the day - Munster Rugby Senior Player of the Year.


New Menu @ Flemings
Date: 1st May
Time: 7pm
Venue: Flemings Countryhouse & Restaurant
Cost: €39
To book: 021 - 4821621

Flemings is launching a new menu Thursday, 1st May with a special tasting menu. The new menu will showcase the best that Spring/Summer has to offer. Fresh garden produce will be included and light freshness is the focus. The new menu will also include Petit Plate – a smaller plate option.

New Look Jurys Inn Hotel
Date: 8th May 
Time: 6pm
Venue: Jurys Inn Hotel Cork
Cost: Free
To book: RSVP Anne Marie Hallinan 087 2589798 or email HERE  

We are celebrating our brand new look and would like you to join us for Champagne, Canapés, Jazz music and the chance to win great prizes.