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Read all about it: Cork Chamber’s Economic Bulletin is available online
Subsidised Training
What can we do for You?
The New Digital Reality
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2015 in association with EY
International Opportunities to Grow Your Business
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What can we do for You?

BiznetCork Skillnet are currently putting together a Funding Application for 2016.

We would appreciate if you would kindly take a few minutes to complete this short survey which will support our Funding Application and ensure that the training we provide is relevant and enterprise-led.

Once you complete the survey, you will be entered into a draw for not one, but two prizes!!

1)      Sunday buffet lunch for 2 Adults & 2 children in the Cork International Hotel

2)      A place on our Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentations Course running the 22nd & 23rd September next (value €950.00)

Please complete the survey HERE

The draw will be held next Friday 18th September.


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