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Have Your Say: Upgrade of the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road
Economic Trends Survey Prize Winners
Upcoming Local and EU election process
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Work like a Seahawk!!
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Business After Hours at KBC Bank
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Business After Hours at KBC Bank

Date: Tuesday 18th February
Time: 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue: KBC Offices on Lapps Quay
Cost: FREE for Cork Chamber members
To book: HERE                          

Cork Chamber and KBC Bank are joining forces to bring you the first Business After Hours Networking Event of 2014, which will take place on Tuesday 18th February in their new Cork offices on Lapps Quay.

This is an ideal opportunity to implement the tips you learned at our Networking Masterclass and/or re-engage with fellow members for the year ahead.

KBC Bank Ireland Plc is celebrating forty one years in Ireland this year serving Irish customers since 1973, and has embarked on an ambitious expansion programme which has seen the bank invest in new high street offices, launch a range of new financial products and expand its mobile and online banking presence.


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