In this issue
Cork Chamber Congratulates Winners of Transition Year Business Project Awards 2015
REMCAP Workshop at Maritime Days, Greece
Subsidised Training
Invest in your Team – Drive its’ Performance!
8 Days and Counting…
A Morning of Networking with UK Business Delegation
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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8 Days and Counting…


  • Hear from Ireland’s Most Trusted Leader
  • Meet with EY Entrepreneur of the Year finalist
  • Learn about what it takes to be a Great Place to Work
  • Discover your Leadership Potential

All of this and much more will be discovered at the interactive  2015 Forum.  Book your place today to inspire and empower yourself and your team to greatness.

Thursday 4th June
 in the Radisson Blu Hotel from 8am to 1pm BOOK HERE

Share your favourite leadership quote with @corkchamber using #leadershipinaction to be in with a chance to win two tickets to the 2015 Forum. 

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