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Kids Day Out

Leahy’s Open Farm will bring plenty of furry friends on the day, including alpacas, rabbits, pygmy goats and a mouse roulette wheel! Perky Bear will also come along thanks to Perks Family Entertainment Centre and will be joined by Nelly the Elephant from Go Safari Activity Centre, as well as Russell Rover and Billy the Bumble Bee! Local dance group, Studio D, are sure to be one of the entertainment highlights of the day with an exclusive performance during the afternoon!

The Shanagarry Design Studios, located downstairs in the Centre, will be buzzing with activity with live demos and classes for kids with the resident craftspeople, including pottery with Ann O’Riordan, painting with Phil Davis, jewellery making with Annemarie Foley and live demos by Belinda Northcote, Kieran Stack, Egle Dami and Janet Turra!

The local Garryvoe Hotel & Leisure Centre will be here throughout the afternoon, offering guests exclusive offers and goodies.

No day at the Shanagarry Design Centre would be complete without treating your taste buds to the delicious delights at the Kilkenny Café!

Exclusively on Sunday 23rd, the Kilkenny Café will run a special offer for customers. Any main with tea or coffee for €10, along with our usual great value kids menu. 

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