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Network Cork September Event: Social Media - Risky Business or a way to do more Business

Guest Speaker David Levin, is a UK based social media expert who has worked for some of the biggest names in UK entertainment, BBC One’s The Voice, Channel 4, Radio 1 and brands such as adidas, and O2 will be talking about how we should speak to our audience on Twitter and Facebook and what creative approaches can be used to get the most out of both platforms – as well as pitfalls to be avoided.  David first came to Ireland for CorkMeet in April and was one of the highlights of this event – so we have brought him back to expand on his presentation.

The event will be MC’d by Anton Savage and following David’s talk and Q&A session Anton will chair a discussion on the topic with a discussion panel including David and local social media experts from various business backgrounds.

Local Panellists include Laya Healthcare’s Digital Brand Manager Doreen O’Mahony, Social Media Expert and one of the country’s most prolific B2B Bloggers Greg Canty, Network Cork PRO Natasha Lynch, who uses social media extensively for her own business Essential French and Niamh O’Mahony from Cork City FC.

The event is free of charge for Network Cork members and Network of Enterprising Women (NEW) to attend. Guests, men and women, are welcome to attend at a cost of €25. Refreshments are served on arrival

RSVP: Attendees must register their attendance through this link:


  • Parking is available on site in County Hall. As you come towards County Hall, take your second left for parking – (near the old tax office).
  • Parking at the Kingsley Hotel




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