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Time to think Lean!!

Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt)

Course Dates: 8 days: (7th & 8th September, 21st & 22nd September, 5th, 6th, 23rd & 30th October) Must attend all 8 days

Member Rate: €950.00


  • Gain the knowledge to reduce costs and help your business become better and faster
  • Understand Continuous Improvement
  • Understand Lean Six Sigma methodology and DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control)
  • Understand Change Management and tools used
  • Understand how to use the most important tools in DMAIC phases
  • Identify sources of waste and variation within the business
  • Use Lean Six Sigma as an efficient and effective cost reduction strategy

Who Should Attend?

If you are involved in problem solving or project management in your company, this course is ideal for you. Process engineers, Quality technicians, Engineers, Supervisors, Managers & Project Managers would benefit hugely from this course.

Course Content

Green Belt Training includes Lean, Six Sigma and Change Management tools and methodologies. The training focuses on utilizing the most common Lean Six Sigma and Change Management tools in the execution of medium complexity projects.

  • Continuous Improvement
  • Lean
  • Six Sigma
  • Change Management
  • Define
  • Measure
  • Analyse
  • Improve
  • Control




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