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Fundraising Gala Ball in aid of UNICEF for the Syrian women & children in the Zaatari refugee camp

Media coverage of Red fm and a Jordanian newspaper that has approximately 3-4 million readers al-ghaid (translation to English the tomorrow newspaper), Evening Echo, Cork Independent, HI magazine.


The main reason of the event is to aid UNICEF and the women and children of the Zaatari camp, a Syrian refugee camp built in the border of Jordan and Syria at the start of the war which is now considered the 4th biggest city in Jordan.


It would be a great honour if you can attend the event to bring much needed attention to this issue to the Irish public.


The evening will include a glass of Prosecco at the red carpet reception while  MUSICA an eight  member chamber orchestra plays with Jordanian canapés, a gourmet 3 course meal with wine, a fantastic range of prizes exceeding €1000 including a weekend break  for two to a European city thanks to


Special guest performance from who’s known as one of Ireland’s leading classical voices and described by the former President of Ireland Mary McAleese as the woman that has the ‘voice of an angel’ Ms. Amanda Neri.



For further information or tickets contact Zeina Sabra by email / T:  0876561760 or book online or you can contact the Kingsley Hotel at (021) 4800500. 


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