In This Issue
'Smarter Steps to Success' - Annual Conference 2012 - 3rd October
Business Breakfast Series
Policy Update
Training Update
International Update
Noel Deasy Cars Ltd Service - Offer
Clarion Hotel - Offer
The Brehon Hotel - Christmas Party Offers
Cork Opera House Autumn Winter Season House Announced
Paperdolls - Grand Opening - Event
Ballinacurra House - Strictly Private Jazz Club
The Gallery Kinsale - Event
Let's Talk Fashion - Event
Rebel Corporate - Christmas Ideas
Run In the Dark
The European Commission Representation in Ireland - Evening Seminar - Event
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Run In the Dark
Mark Pollock fell from a second story window in 2010. He broke his back and the damage to his spinal cord left him paralysed. Cruelly, this was not Mark’s first tragedy. 12 years earlier, he lost his sight.
As the blind adventure athlete lay in hospital, now paralysed and broken, his supporters created Run in the Dark to fuel his ambition to walk again. A spinal cord injured pioneer, he is exploring the frontiers of recovery.

Run in the Dark aims to be the biggest multi-location, mass participation running event in the world. And you can be part of it. Join us on Wednesday the 14th of November 2012!
Run in the Dark is a running event held simultaneously in 6 official locations - Dublin, Cork, Belfast, London, Manchester and New York. You can race, run, or walk either 5 km or 10 km in all locations.
