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Join the Cork Delegation to China

Date: 17-24 October 2015

Venue: Shanghai and Suzhou

To mark the 10 year anniversary of the twinning of Cork and Shanghai, a delegation will be travelling from Cork to Shanghai from 17-24 October 2015.  The joint delegation will include representatives of Cork City Council (including the Lord Mayor), Cork Chamber, it@cork, UCC, CIT, Tyndall as well as a group of local businesses and representatives from the tourism/cultural sectors, including the Pulses of Tradition show. 

The trip will give Cork businesses an opportunity to get an insight into how the business culture works in China, and the varied programme of activities will include:

  • Formal meetings with Chinese organisations (Chambers, local government, businesses, technology parks)
  • Meetings with Irish state agencies and other Irish contacts (EI, IDA, Bord Bia, Tourism Ireland, Consul General, Irish community in China)
  • B2B meetings where possible (based on profiles submitted by participating delegates)
  • Participation in the official Cork-Shanghai 10th anniversary twinning celebrations, including a banquet and the Pulses of Tradition show
  • Participation in the Asia Pacific Irish Business Forum and Asian Gaelic Games  


If you would be interested in joining the Cork delegation then please contact Katherine here for more information.  

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