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Learn how to transfer your genius idea to paper!

InDesign Essentials

Member Rate: €375.00                                                                  Course Dates: 6th & 7th July


Learn the necessary technical skills to create full colour, multiple page computer generated digital artwork for print.

Who Should Attend?

This course is suitable for anyone who uses InDesign to create documents such as ads, flyers, brochures or newsletters, but has little to no experience doing so.

Course Content

  • Managing the InDesign Environment
  • Designing Documents
  • Managing Text
  • Utilizing Colours, Swatches and Gradients
  • Managing Transparency
  • Utilising Tables
  • Preparing for Handoff to a Service Provider
  • Creating Acrobat PDF Files
  • Administering Advanced Styles
  • Controlling Text
  • Handling Page Elements and Graphics


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