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International Opportunities

Webinar: How to check if your Chinese Business Partner is Legitimate, 4th August, 09.00 GMT

Conducting proper due diligence is one of the essential steps that European SMEs need to take before engaging in business with partners in China. By conducting due diligence, it will help you avoid business scams and identify a more reliable partner for your business in the Chinese market. During this free webinar, you will learn how to perform basic due diligence yourself and where to get help, as well as practical advice from legal, financial and operational perspectives. 

The speaker at this webinar will be given by Rogier van Bijnen, Head of R&P China Lawyers’ Beijing Office. Rogier has been working as a lawyer in China since 2009. He focuses on assisting foreign companies who do business in or with China. His areas of expertise include corporate/mergers and acquisitions (including joint ventures), commercial contracts, IP, employment and dispute resolution. R&P is a Chinese law firm with about 25 PRC licensed lawyers and has offices in Beijing and Shanghai. As a Chinese law firm, R&P is allowed to advise on PRC law and represent clients in Chinese courts.

After the webinar, you will:   

  • Be aware of the most popular scams in China at the moment;
  • Be able to check whether your counterpart really exists;
  • Understand how to properly execute a contract in China;
  • Know which sources are available to verify financial information;
  • Learn some basic techniques to carry out operational due diligence.

To sign up for this free webinar, click here

Ocean Energy Europe, 19th-21st October, Croke Park, Dublin

Business France, the French Embassy’s Trade Department, will host B2B meetings at the Ocean Energy Europe Conference. It will aim to offer European companies, research organisations, and state agencies, the opportunity to meet potential cooperation and business partners.

Ocean Energy Europe is the trade association for ocean renewables in Europe and has almost 100 members. Its members comprise of some of the world’s leading utilities companies, engineering companies, device developers and research institutes. The 2015 conference will feature:

  • Attendees from industry, research, and government bodies
  • Government representatives and EU representatives
  • Over 50 exhibiting companies

To book your place at this event click here or for further information, contact


Innovate Connect Transform, 20th-22nd October, Lisbon, Portugal

At Innovate Connect Transform (ICT) 2015 you can learn more about the European Commission’s newest policies and initiatives in the field of ICT. You can also witness the results and impact of some of the most recent EU ICT research and innovation initiatives. In addition, the event will offer possibilities for networking, and opportunities for learning about the latest ICT Work Programme.

In particular, the event will include the following:

  • A conference programme with plenary sessions and thematic parallel streams. The different sessions will touch upon various topics regarding ICT.
  • Networking sessions bringing together potential proposers, thus allowing them to discuss ideas and create new or build on existing partnerships.
  • Exhibits showing some of the outcomes of research and innovation initiatives funded by the European Commission. Participants in the event will be able to experience to what extent ICT research and innovation could contribute to a future Europe.
  • A start-ups and innovation forum: As start-ups and entrepreneurship are important for ICT research and innovation, a mix of thematic sessions and networking actions, especially targeting such initiatives,is being organised.
  • Involvement of students: A group of students from all over Europe will be invited to actively participate in various parts of the event.
  • Up-to-date information about the new ICT Work Programme 2016-17 and its opportunities.

To register your free place at this event, click here.  

For further information on the above opportunities, contact

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