In this issue
Survey Prize Winner
Subsidised Training
Deadline Day Looming!
Food for Thought: Trends and Opportunities in the UK Food and Drink Market
Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
Business After Hours at the Mater Private
Innovation from Within
The New Digital Reality
Join the Cork Delegation to China
Chamber Supported Events
Cork Startups Light Up On New Interactive Map
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Deadline Day Looming!

Nominations for the Cork Digital Marketing Awards close 7th September next!

Why Should I enter?

  • It’s an amazing opportunity to recognise the hard-work and achievements of your digital marketing entrepreneurs.
  • Entry is free!
  • A win, a short-listing or a nomination acts as a third party endorsement for your business and can form part of your sales pitch.
  • Promote your business to new customers.
  • They’re fun, exciting and really good for your business!

Sure why wouldn’t you enter??!!

So go on, ENTER NOW!

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