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Subsidised Training
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Cork Digital Marketing Awards
BBQ at the Orangery
Swing into Action!
Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
Innovation from Within
Chamber Supported Projects
Change someone's life with Grand Job
Certificates with Multi-Language symbols
Join the Cork Chamber Delegation to China in October!
International Opportunities to Grow Your Business
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Innovation from Within

Cork Chamber and Aviva Health are excited to bring you “Innovation from Within” a fully interactive event, which will highlight the commercial importance of innovation in driving businesses forward. We will focus on how any business, large medium or small, needs to embrace innovation and embed it into the business culture. From new processes, through to new and innovative ideas for products and services, the speakers will highlight how innovation is key to meeting the ever evolving needs of customers. Speakers include Dr Peter Robbins, Liz Rowen, Donncha O’Callaghan and more…



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