In this issue
Cork Chamber’s latest Economic Bulletin explores the National and Regional Economy over Q1 2015
Subsidised Training
May we do some Training??
Networking Event on an Irish Rail Train
Leadership in Action
Open Day at Cork Chamber
Chamber Supported Projects
Cork innovates with Startup Ireland announce a National Plan for a Startup Gathering 5 cities, 5 industries, 5 days for Startups
Food News!
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Leadership in Action
Inspire, Empower, Grow
Date: Thursday, 4th June
Time: 8.00am – 12.30pm, followed by a light lunch
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island
Cost: €120 Cork Chamber members / €150 non members
To book: here

We all have it within us to be great leaders. Whether you’re leading a project, a team, a board or even an entire organisation, leadership skills are something that we all require on a regular basis in order to influence and lead the company to growth.

Delegates will be tested on their own Leadership traits by renowned Occupational Psychologist Neil O’Brien and can use this information to enhance the attributes that already exist as well as bringing other required traits to the fore. This experiental event will completely change the way you think about leadership and will help you to Inspire, Empower and Grow by leading you and your people to greatness.

Sponsored by laya healthcare
Networking breaks sponsored by KPMG

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