In this issue
Shop Local this Christmas, says Cork Chamber
Cork City Launches its Purple Flag Awards
Positive Jobs Momentum Continues in Cork
Subsidised Training
The Branding of Me – What’s your Personal Brand?
Introduction to Certification of Green Buildings
Digital Trends & Technologies in association with Vodafone
Festive After Hours at Castlemartyr
Cork Chamber Annual Christmas Lunch in association with Brightwater Recruitment
Cork Chamber Business Breakfast in association with Irish Examiner
Enterprise Europe Network’s Calendar of 2016 Brokerage Events
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The Branding of Me – What’s your Personal Brand?

9th December  €100 for Chamber Members

Everyone nowadays has on online presence, but what is that presence actually saying about YOU??

Having a Personal Brand online is a clear way to make connections for numerous reasons from gaining employment, promotion, peer review, online business branding or just an overall higher online standing.

This one day course will help you manage your Personal Brand effectively so that it becomes one that you can be proud of and that reflects not just who you are, but what you stand for.

This course will include:

  • Planning your online brandSocial Media Platforms – Twitter & hashtags, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ & others
  • Developing your Profile & becoming ‘searchable”
  • Developing your Brand at home after the workshop

This is a unique opportunity to highlight your offering, so BOOK TODAY!

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