In this issue
Ground-breaking Plans for Cork
Purple Flag Award Success for Cork City
Successful REMCAP Workshop on Maritime Autonomous Systems
Chamber Supported Events
Countdown to Startup Gathering Cork begins
The Startup Gathering now has in excess of 360 events registered
Subsidised Training
Leading with Emotional Effectiveness
Cork Company of the Year Awards - Launch
Speed Up Start Up!
October Business Breakfast
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2015 in association with EY
International Opportunities for your business
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Speed Up Start Up!
Last chance to book!

Date: Tuesday 6th October
12.30 – 2.00pm
The River Lee

Cork Chamber and Bank of Ireland will join forces for the Startup Gathering on Tuesday 6th October 2015 to bring you a highly energized event, where you will make up to 20 new business contacts in a fast-paced environment.

‘Speed networking’ is a more structured form of networking where you have 1 ½ minutes each side to pitch your business and make connections for both buying and selling.


We are almost SOLD OUT so please BOOK HERE NOW to reserve your place.

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