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Exporting - A Business Journey


- 09.00  Registration and Tea/Coffee

- 09.30  Welcome and Introduction

Enda McDonnell, Director – South/South East, Enterprise Ireland

09:40  Session 1 -
The Business Story of William O’Brien Group

Hosted by business mentor John Lennon, this session will take the form of an interactive conversation with William O’Brien, CEO of William O’Brien Group about the company’s journey from home supplier to global player.

With the participation of the audience, the conversation will explore the pros and cons of preparing for, and finding, new customers overseas and assess the risks and rewards from deciding to grow a business through exporting.

11.00   Tea/Coffee

11.15  Session 2 – “Get Export Ready”

David Byrne, Manager, Potential Exporters Division, Enterprise Ireland. This session walks participants through the Enterprise Ireland programmes that support new and early stage exporters. It will cover the range of information, training, and financial products that are designed to test the commercial or technical feasibility of a new business idea. And will look at the on -line export “Health Check” tool, designed to enable a company to assess its business readiness for exporting.  Followed by Q&A.

Adrienne Rodgers, CEO (Acting), Cork City Enterprise Board This session will outline the supports offered by the Cork City and County Enterprise Board to drive the development of local business, including those interested in exploring exporting.  Followed by Q&A.

  • 12.00          Close

 Enda McDonnell, Director – South/South East, Enterprise Ireland

If this is for you register here without delay: By Thursday, 13th February 2014

If you have any queries in relation to the workshop please contact Jacqui Norton HERE  or 021-4800228

We look forward to seeing you in Cork on Tuesday, 18th February 2014


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