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Lead Change Successfully in 2016

Are you planning some important changes in your business in 2016?

More than 70% of organisational change efforts fail! Many of the reasons for these failures have been identified as

  • Failure to share the vision successfully
  • Failure to communicate effectively throughout the change cycle
  • Failure to deal effectively with fear and resistance around change
  • Failure to have meaningful accountability for success or failure

None of these reasons have anything to do with the actual planned change itself, but rather with the leadership and motivation of the people involved. We so often fail to give the time and attention needed to engage people properly in change from the beginning resulting costly delays and often failure.

I have been partnering successfully with leaders and organisations for 10 years now to help them design and implement change in a way that achieves their goals and leaves them with a happy, motivated workforce. My client list includes banks, pharmaceuticals, technology companies, SMEs and charities.

I am now offering intensive one-to-one half-day and full-day programmes for leaders on How to Plan for Success Through Your People. The programme will involve

  • A discovery phone-call to get a clear understanding about your particular challenge and change context
  • A one-to-one half-day or full-day session where we cover the essential things that you need to understand in order to engage your people successfully in your change project and avoid resistance and fear. You will also leave with a customised plan for how you are going to engage and communicate with your people throughout your project.
  • 1-2 follow up coaching sessions by phone to ensure that you are getting the results you desire when you are implementing your plan.

This programme can take place at your office, on-line or at a pleasant hotel setting and is priced accordingly.

To discover if this programme will deliver what you need for 2016, please contact Miriam by calling 087-2399522 or emailing

For more information about Space for Change or Miriam, please check out

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