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Free Seminar for SMEs on ISO 50001 Energy Management Standards, Cork Chamber, 3 April
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Free Seminar for SMEs on ISO 50001 Energy Management Standards, Cork Chamber, 3 April

In line with the EU priorities on SME competitiveness and energy conservation, Enterprise Europe Network Cork will host a seminar for SMEs on ISO 50001 Energy Management Standards. This seminar will help participating business to improve energy performance, cut costs and meet customer expectations.

ISO 50001 training can deliver energy cost savings for your business and better energy management systems help reduce carbon emissions, and improve business competitiveness. As the demand for environmentally-friendly services and products continues to grow, energy conservation is becoming a strong business advantage.

Topics to be covered in the seminar will include:

  • Introduction to ISO 50001
  • Comparison to other ISO standards
  • ISO 50001 guidelines
  • Developing an energy policy
  • Establishing a team and deciding who does what
  • How to conduct an energy review
  • Setting up an improvement programme

The seminar will be facilitated by P.J. Henry, a qualified energy consultant engineer, who has many years experience of working in the multinational sector and currently provides training seminars and energy audits to companies around Ireland.   P.J is also a qualified BER (Building Energy Rating) consultant and ISO 50001 energy management systems lead auditor.

PJ has experience in real world implementation of management systems and will share his wealth of practical experience in showing you how to put systems in place in an efficient manner. Places at this event are limited and advance booking is essential. This workshop is kindly sponsored by Energia. For further information, please contact


Taking Care of Business, Silversprings Moran Hotel, 1 April 2014

Taking Care of Business takes place in the Silversprings Moran Hotel on Tuesday, 1 April 2014. This free ‘one-stop-shop’ for business is geared towards owners or managers of small business and to those who are thinking of starting up a new business. Over 25 State bodies will be available on the day to give you information and advice on a range of services for business. By attending one of these events you will:

  • Meet informally with representatives from a variety of State bodies
  • Get practical information and advice
  • Find out ways to save your business money
  • Get supports and tools to assist you in your business

To register your FREE place at this event, click here. For further enquiries, telephone (01) 816 1310 or email


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