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10% Discount on all Commercial Training Courses in First Aid
  • 3 Day FETAC level 5 Occupational First Aid Courses - 15th, 16th & 17th of June.  20th, 21st & 22nd of July. 24th, 25th & 26th of August. €240 
  • Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) Defibrillator courses - 11th of May, morning or afternoon. 20th of May, morning or afternoon. 24th of June, morning or afternoon.
    €80 per person      

More course dates to follow for First Aid and Fire Extinguisher / Marshall training. Course dates/times can be tailored to suit your business needs. All Chamber members can avail of an extra 10% off the price of all of our advertised First Aid courses and avail of the same discounts when booking private group First Aid or Fire Awareness training courses directly with us.

To register or to get further information contact Warren Delaforce, Airport Fire Officer, Airport Police Fire Service, Cork Airport, T: 021 4329673 M: 087 6867517 email: here
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