In this issue
Help identify the main challenges for business in the coming year
Fall in Unemployment Rate, New CSO Data Reveals
Subsidised Training
Practical Productivity - Microsoft Outlook
Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)
Cork Chamber's Dublin Dinner 2016
October Business Breakfast with Niall Gibbons
Meet the Buyer Event
October Business After Hours
Brexit update
Taste Cork showcasing Cork innovation and expertise
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Practical Productivity - Microsoft Outlook

Starts 25th October next - €160 for Chamber Members!

  • Would you like to have an EMPTY INBOX at the end of each day?!
  • Would you like to schedule realistic days and never have to worry about forgetting to do or follow-up on a piece of work?
  • Would you like to have an organised system that will help you work more effectively on a daily basis?


The Practical Productivity course will provide you a practical and workable solution to managing your workload and time more effectively in the work place! 

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