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Your Health and Wellbeing – Key to Inspiring Success

Our Guest Speakers include:


Dr Orla Crosbie is a Consultant Hepatologist at Cork University Hospital and a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.  Orla is a graduate of UCC and her professional training includes the National Liver Unit in St Vincent’s Hospital in Dublin and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. Orla leads the Hepatology Unit at CUH. Orla’s research interests include Hepatitis C, Haemochromatotsis and Endoscopy. Orla was previously National Specialty Director for Gastroenterology at RCPI and has a major role in teaching and training at CUH.

Orla is a keen runner and member of  St Finbarr’s Athletic Club (the Barrs) and enjoys nothing better than an early morning run before facing the reality of the day ahead!

Orla will speak about how alcohol is seriously damaging women’s health.


Deirdre Hosford could easily be considered one of Irelands most inspiring Operation Transformation leaders. After having two children, Deirdre's weight spiralled out of control until she decided it was time to make a change and applied for the show.

Since taking part in the RTE production in 2013, Deirdre has transformed her life by embracing subtle changes day to day.  She has since set up her own company, Deirdre Hosford Personal Training, working with others who are looking to improve their Health.   Deirdre will tell us about her journey and what changes she made to achieve her goals.


Paula Bradyis a Business Manager in Ulster Bank. She has worked in Financial Services for 12 years in various roles including Investor Relations, Finance and Corporate Banking.

Paula earned her status as a FIFA International referee in 2013 one of only two women in Ireland at this level, having previously spent 4 years as a FIFA International Assistant referee. She is now a regular feature in Airtricity League of Ireland Mens National league and referees Womens Champions League, World Cup and European Championship matches. 

Paula recently returned from the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles in August 2015 where she officiated the Gold medal final match.

When she finds any spare time between Ulster Bank and football commitments, Paula regularly volunteers with the National Consumer Agency delivering Financial Education workshops and with Special Olympics Ireland football programmes.

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