In this issue
Cork City advances in Purple Flag Award application
Cork Chamber Launches Pre Budget Submission 2016
Subsidised Training
Cork Digital Marketing Awards
Embracing Digital!!
Food for Thought: Trends and Opportunities in the UK Food and Drink Market
Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
Business After Hours at the Mater Private
Innovation from Within
Chamber Supported Events
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International Opportunities for your business
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What’s the benefit?

Early stage tech companies get:

  • an opportunity to network with other early stage tech entrepreneurs
  • feedback on their technical competence
  • sales presentation coaching

MNCs and large indigenous companies get:

  • an opportunity to have an early view of some really interesting technologies in a unique setting

What’s the cost?

Zero. This is 100% volunteer based. The objective is to broker connections between early stage companies and MNCs and larger indigenous companies.

What type of companies apply?
A team from any early stage or scaling tech company may apply.    On the day, we expect a minimum of 2 representatives from the company to attend, one of whom must be your technical lead.

When does DealBroker take place?

DealBroker takes place in Cork on September 30th 2015

How do I apply? 

Submissions are currently open. The deadline is August 28th. Early stage companies should apply through the application form below.  We will review submissions as we receive them.  If you have been successful in reaching the shortlist, we will notify you know by September 1st.  There will be a screening interview during that week.  If you are successful through the interview process, we will notify you by September 4th.  Sales Presentation Coaching will be during the week commencing September 7th.

If you represent a large company (MNC or indigenous) and would be interested in participating please email us:

DealBroker is kindly Sponsored by CPL Recruitment

DealBroker Application Form (Applications can be emailed to

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