In this issue
Developing European Maritime Resources
Subsidised Training
Boost your Business with our Advanced Digital Marketing Course!
Women in Leadership
Is Your Business Energy-Aware?
Cork Chamber April Business Breakfast
Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub
National Job Shadow Day, 22nd April
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
New Dual Use Regulation
Member Updates
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Developing European Maritime Resources
Second REMCAP Project Newsletter Launched

Cork Chamber recognises the vast economic potential of the Maritime Sector for Cork businesses and is currently participating in a European Project funded through the ‘Regions of Knowledge’ Seventh Framework Programme called the Resource Efficiency Maritime Capacity Project (REMCAP). REMCAP is a collaborative project involving 14 partner organisations from six European maritime clusters The main objective of REMCAP is  to develop the clusters' ability to promote innovation and enable sustainable growth across the key markets of offshore wind; ocean energy; algae; fishing; aquaculture; blue biotech; aggregates and dredging and sea bed mining.

Cork Chamber has worked in collaboration with the other project partners to develop the second newsletter which updates the reader on the achievements and outputs of the project to date and also highlights the project activities that will be undertaken in the next period. To view the second newsletter please click here. For more information please visit the REMCAP website by clicking here or contact  Claire here .

Subsidised Training
Boost your Business with our Advanced Digital Marketing Course!

This course is designed to help you get more customers and leads for your business using Digital Marketing and Social Media.

Depending on the needs of your business, you can book the course as a whole (€440) or simply attend a specific day of interest (€140). BOOK NOW!!

Digital Marketing - Advanced Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Lead Generation using Social Media

Course Dates: 30th April, 7th, 15th & 21st May 

Member Rate: €440.00

Advanced Facebook:

With over 1.4 billion people using Facebook worldwide each month and 1.5 million people using Facebook daily in Ireland, Facebook is a perfect place for businesses that want to talk to people. This course is for a business/organization that regularly uses Facebook and wants to improve on what they’re doing so Facebook starts to be a channel that benefits their organisation.


Advanced Twitter:

Twitter is now the place where news breaks around the world. With everyone sharing links and photos with the second biggest social network in the world, Twitter is a space for both consumer marketing and B2B marketing. This course is for a business/organization that regularly uses Twitter and wants to improve on what they’re doing so that their Twitter account starts to be a channel that benefits their organisation.


Advanced LinkedIn:

Ringing reception of a billion euro company and asking for the CEO will get you a polite no yet on LinkedIn you can probably get a direct reply from the CEO herself. LinkedIn is a social network ideal for B2B lead generation, marketing and sales. This course is for a business/organization that has used LinkedIn but wants to improve on what they’re doing so LinkedIn starts to be a channel that benefits their organisation.


Lead Generation using Social Media:

It’s not the number of followers on Facebook or number of Retweets you get on Twitter that helps a business. It’s leads. Leads build a business. Social media/digital marketing can get you those leads if you have a Lead Generation strategy. Using your website, Facebook, LinkedIn and especially Twitter to gather email addresses and phone numbers to use for marketing and sales purposes will benefit your business/organization greatly.

Women in Leadership

Date: Friday, 17th April
Time: 12.30pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Kingsley Hotel Cork
Cost: €60 Cork Chamber / Network Cork members

Cork Chamber in association with Network Cork is hosting an Executive Lunch on Friday 17th April in The Kingsley Hotel, focusing on Women in Leadership and featuring Dee Forbes, President & Managing Director of Discovery Networks Northern Europe as the guest speaker.

Headquartered in London, Dee manages all commercial and channel activities for Discovery Networks Northern Europe’s business covering 27 TV brands in 18 markets and territories. Discovery's footprint reaches over 276 million cumulative TV households across Northern Europe each month including the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands.

Places for this event are extremely limited, so please BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.

Is Your Business Energy-Aware?

Date: Wednesday, 22nd April
Time: 08:30 - 12:30
Venue: Cork Chamber, Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork
Cost: Free, however registration is essential 

The Enterprise Europe Network is hosting an informative workshop on the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in association with Energia.  Using energy efficiently helps organisations to save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. The European Commission is encouraging SMEs to become more energy-aware and thereby contribute to the overall reduction of energy consumption, as well as promoting the development and uptake of innovative new technologies in the energy sector. 

One way of making your business more energy aware is by implementing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System. 


For more information contact  Katherine.  To book click here.


Is your business energy-aware?

Using energy efficiently helps organisations to save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. The European Commission is encouraging SMEs to become more energy-aware and thereby contribute to the overall reduction of energy consumption, as well as promoting the development and uptake of innovative new technologies in the energy sector.  One way of making your business more energy aware is by implementing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

On 22 April the Enterprise Europe Network, in association with Energia, is hosting an informative workshop on the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.  The workshop will take place in Cork Chamber from 9.30am-12pm.  For more information contact

ISO50001 Workshop - How to implement an energy management system

The new ISO 50001 Energy Management standard will help you to improve energy performance, cut costs and meet your customer expectations. Energy Management Systems can help your company to put in place systems which ensure continuous improvement in your energy performance. This can then reduce your energy costs and carbon emissions. ISO 50001 puts in place a structured framework for the supply, use and consumption of energy in industrial, commercial and institutional companies.

This half-day workshop will cover the following:

  • Introduction to ISO50001 - Background
  • Comparison to other ISO standards – 14001/18001/EMAS
  • ISO50001 guidelines
  • How to develop an energy policy – sample given
  • How to establish an implementation team and who does what!
  • How to conduct an initial energy review
  • What are the costs and time commitments for certification?
  • How to set up and implement an energy reduction/improvement programme
  • Implementation and project grant aid  - what’s available and how to apply?

About the trainer:

P.J. Henry is a qualified energy consultant engineer, who has many years’ experience working in the multinational sector such as Abbott, Wyeth, Braun etc. and currently provides training seminars and energy audits to various companies around Ireland. P.J. is also a qualified BER (Building Energy Rating) consultant and ISO 50001 energy management systems lead auditor. PJ has experience in real world implementation of management systems and will share his wealth of practical experience in showing you how to put systems in place in an efficient manner. 


Cork Chamber April Business Breakfast
Award Winning SolarWinds to share their Story…

Date: Wednesday, 29th April
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Maryborough Hotel
Cost: €25 members / €35 non members

Cork Chamber’s April Business Breakfast will feature David Owens, Senior VP Finance and International Operations of SolarWinds, a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT performance management software.  With its International Headquarters in Citygate, Mahon.  SolarWinds has received many accolades and awards and recently scooped the coveted “Cork Company of the Year Award”. 

David joined SolarWinds in 2007, having previously worked for Red Hat.  Of the SolarWinds base in Cork, David Owens said “Establishing our EMEA HQ in Cork has enabled us to grow existing markets and enter new ones across the region.  We recognise our Cork office as a center of excellence for the services and levels of support delivered to our customers throughout the region”.

David will give Cork Chamber members some insight into the decision to bring the EMEA headquarters for SolarWinds to Cork, the journey so far, what the future holds and why winning the Cork Company of the Year award has meant so much to the team, both here and worldwide.

In association with Irish Examiner.

Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub
(only 5 places left…)

Are you a start-up or an already established SME?

The Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub is where a small group of business owners meet regularly, in a safe and confidential environment to share ideas, issues and experiences, helping each other and themselves with the daily challenges facing businesses today. The hubs are fully facilitated by Cork Chamber and also offer members the opportunity to focus on some key areas for their business including finance, legal, sales and marketing topics.  To fully benefit, participants are asked to commit to all four dates in the series.  The dates for the upcoming series are:

  • Tues 21st April – 4.00pm – 5.30pm
  • Tues 28th April – 4.30pm – 6.00pm
  • Tues 5th May – 4.30pm – 6.00pm
  • Tues 12th May – 4.30pm – 6.00pm


CLICK HERE to apply for the Business Owners Hub

National Job Shadow Day, 22nd April
Get involved, get working, get inclusive

Cope Foundation is hosting Job Shadow Day on April 22nd, in conjunction with Irish Association of Supported Employment. Cope Foundation invites the Cork Business Community to join them in their campaign to promote equal employment opportunities in the workplace.

Job Shadow Day is a nationwide initiative which bring people with disabilities and local employers together for one day to highlight the valuable contribution people with disabilities can, and do, make at work.  

Would your business like to take part in this initiative? If so, then contact Marian Hennessy at Telephone 021 - 4643160 or Email here 

Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
  • Building a Business on Your Ideas Seminar, IT Tralee, 16th April, 9.15 am to 12.40 pm
    Learn about the value of Intellectual Property and the support structures that are available for small businesses and start-ups from the State and Europe.  
  • Meet Potential Customers, Suppliers or Partners at the World’s Largest Seafood Fair, Seafood Expo Global, Brussels, 21st to 22nd April.
    Benefit from targeted networking and explore new business opportunities during pre-arranged meetings at an Enterprise Europe Network brokerage event. 
  • Technology Gateway Network Industry Showcase, Silversprings Moran Hotel, 18th May. Learn about the research skills that are available to Ireland’s industry at the Technology Gateway Showcase which will take place on Monday, 18th May. The showcase will outline how technology gateways can help SMEs on their innovation journey. 
  • Open Access and Research Data Management: Horizon 2020 and Beyond,  Boole Library UCC, Cork, 14th-15th April. This 2 day seminar on Open Access in Horizon 2020 is being organised by University College Cork (Ireland), Repository Network of Ireland and Teagasc. 

See 'read more' for further details on all of the above.

Building a Business on Your Ideas Seminar

Registration is now open for a free seminar on ‘Building a Business on Your Ideas’ and it will take place in IT Tralee on Thursday, 16th April. The seminar is being organised jointly by Kerry Local Enterprise Office and the Patents Office, in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network and Enterprise Ireland. The seminar is aimed at small business owners, entrepreneurs, inventors and start-up companies in Kerry and surrounding counties.


The seminar will focus on:

  • How business should be aware of and can exploit the value of Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, designs and copyright)
  • The support structures that are available for small businesses and start-ups from the State and Europe


Expert speakers will include the Patent / Trademark Attorney, a local entrepreneur and representatives from the Patents Office, Enterprise Ireland, the Local Enterprise Office and the Enterprise Europe Network. To register and view the full agenda please click here.


Meet Potential Customers, Suppliers or Partners at the World’s Largest Seafood Fair, Seafood Expo Global, Brussels, 21st to 22nd April

Seafood Expo Global / Seafood Processing Global is the world’s largest seafood trade-fair. It will feature more than 1,700 exhibiting companies from over 75 companies. In line with Seafood Expo Global / Seafood Processing Global, the Enterprise Europe Network are organising a targeted networking event. This event is being hosted by Scottish Development International and is managed by the Enterprise Europe Network Scotland. Participants in this networking session will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with potential customers, suppliers or partners during pre-arranged one-to-one meetings.

The brokerage event is aimed at those looking to:

  • Expand market research
  • Source new product
  • Commercialise innovative process or technical solutions
  • Find development partners


Who else is going? Click here to view a list of companies who have currently registered for the B2B session. To register your free place at this event, please click here. For further information, contact


Technology Gateway Network Industry Showcase

Enterprise Ireland, in partnership with the institutes of technology, has established a nationwide network of 12 technology gateways  which deliver technology solutions for Irish industry close to their market needs.


On May 18, the Technology Gateway Showcase will take place in the Silversprings Moran Hotel. This industry showcase event is an opportunity for companies to network with the 12 technology gateways and discover how the technology gateways can help your company on its innovation journey and better understand the depth of research skills that are available to Ireland’s industry. There will be an opportunity to view technical demonstrations from each gateway, as well as testimonials from industry on how their collaborative industry projects with the gateways helped their company. Enterprise Ireland staff can explain what innovation supports are available for SMEs to assist in the development of a high-impact collaborative project. Registration is free and to register, please click here. If you have questions about this event or would like to find out more, please contact

Open access and research data management: Horizon 2020 and beyond
14-15 April, Boole Library UCC, Cork

In recent years we have witnessed significant debate and activity surrounding the movement to make research papers, data, and scientific information freely available to all readers online. Open Access policies have been championed across the European Research Area, and feature prominently in the recommendations of Horizon 2020, the European Commission’s research and innovation programme: the EC views the principles of accessible knowledge and shared data as key components in their efforts to maximize the impact of publicly-funded research, and to promote innovation and economic growth. Open Access, both as a policy-driven initiative and as a general practice in research, has thus become more widely accepted as a desirable goal, and we expect that it will become even more important to forging an interconnected information exchange across Europe in the near future.


On 14-15 April, a seminar on Open Access in Horizon 2020 is being organised by University College Cork (Ireland), Repository Network of Ireland and Teagasc. 


Day 1 – Open access in H2020 – how to increase your chances of success with a strong data management and open access plan

Day 1 will be aimed primarily at researchers and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) interested in developing H2020 proposals and will provide:

  • An overview of open access in H2020 and benefits of adopting open access
  • Advice on addressing open access questions in H2020 proposals
  • An introduction to open access to research data and H2020 open data pilot
  • Case study from research project successfully using research data management principles
  • Case study from the Research Cloud Infrastructure at UCC highlighting their experiences with managing research data


Day 2 – Open access and data management – institutional needs, targets and training

Day 2 will be aimed at institutional support staff including library staff, IT services, research support staff, project managers, tech transfer and legal staff and will provide:

  • An introduction to what data is and how to manage it
  • Case study of an existing University research data management service
  • Information and training on how to support researchers at your institution


Contact information

Click for more information or to register online.  The venue for both days is the Boole Library learning zone.  You can also register by emailing



New Dual Use Regulation

An updated Dual Use Regulation  - Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1382/2014 of 22 October 2014 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items has come into force. Dual-use items are goods, software and technology normally used for civilian purposes but which may have military applications, or may contribute to the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The Regulation is directly applicable in all Member States and can be found here.

The update incorporates some 400 changes as a result of decisions made by the international export control regimes. The document ‘comprehensive change note summary for Council Regulation (EU) No. 428/2009’ provides a summary of these changes and can be found here.

Latest News

1. Understanding Psychology at Work - Read More HERE 
2. Skechers has opened their latest outlet on Opera Lane - Read More HERE
3. Cork Education and Training Board Appoints Principal of New Carrigaline Gaelcholáiste - Read More HERE
4. Donna Patrice Reidy appointed Account Executive at CAMEO Communications - Read More HERE
5. Growing Success: UCC courses up for Postgrad Awards - Read More HERE
6. Shine Ireland Launches Social Skills For Autism App - Read More HERE


Members Offers
Aquafria Water Cooler €29.99 per month
Period of the offer available: April – June 2015

Aquafria have a limited offer for Cork Chamber Members coming in to the summer months. For €29.99 per month ex vat, who not avail of our Super Summer Offer.The price includes, an Aquafria Water Cooler, 4 Bottles of water per month and Sanitisation of the water cooler. Contact us today 021- 4297831 to avail of this offer and don’t forget to mention that you are a Cork Chamber Member!

New Ambassador 4*Hotel Members Offer
Period of the offer available: valid for 6 months for Chamber Members

Cork Chamber of Commerce Members can avail of our special Re-Launch Offer of €85 B&B. The new refurbished 4 star Ambassador Hotel in Cork is located in a tranquil yet central location with breath taking views of Cork City. The property delivers elegance, sophistication and relaxed comfort to every guest. Make sure to check out our website here

Member Events
Open House Cork
Date: 10th -12th of April
Time: Starts Friday at 6pm - Ends Sunday at around 6pm
Venue: All around Cork City
Cost: FREE
To book: First come first serve, no booking

Open House is a design festival which runs in cities across the world, celebrating the best in architecture that each city has to offer. We are excited to bring this event to Cork for the first time and invite you to celebrate with us by taking part! Our series of talks, tours and workshops held in buildings all over the city will showcase the rich and varying architecture of Cork.You can find out more on our website, Facebook or Twitter.

Funding for Growth: Regional Workshops
Date:  Wednesday, 22nd April
Time: 7.45am
Venue: the Imperial Hotel
Cost: Free
Book: here 

InterTradeIreland have appointed Grant Thornton to deliver their Funding for Growth workshops.At each workshop you will hear from banks, alternative funding providers and a local Grant Thornton corporate finance expert. They will be discussing the various funding options available and provide practical lessons in applying for and securing funding for growth.

JCI Cork TOYP Awards
Date: Thursday, April 23rd 
Time: 18:00
Venue: 66 AIB South Mall
Cost: Free – Registration via Evenbrite.
To book: E-mail here  or visit our website here 

 The Outstanding Young People (TOYP) of Cork Awards recognises young people between 18-40 who excel in their chosen fields and positively impact Cork. This is a flagship awards program of the Junior Chamber (JCI). We would like to welcome Cork Chamber Members to this event sponsored by AIB South Mall. 

Cork Funding Network Event
Date:Thursday, 30th April 
Time: 6p.m. – 9p.m.
Venue: Port of Cork Boardroom
Cost: Free

Experience a truly unique evening of hospitality and networking in wonderful environs while celebrating the work of Cork Charities. Four charities will present at this first ever live crowd funding event in Cork. With Bill O’Herlihy as MC, the Cork School of Music and a wine and canapé reception, this event is not to be missed by professionals and business!

Table Quiz for Temple Street
Date: Friday, 8th May 
Time: 8pm
Venue: Douglas GAA Club, Douglas West, Cork
Cost: Table of 4 - €40
To book: Email Anthony here  

A FUN Table Quiz in aid of Temple Street Children’s Hospital. It is part of my FUNdraising efforts for the 2016 Route 66 Motorcycle Challenge. All Welcome, No HARD questions.