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Survey Prize Winner
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Survey Prize Winner

This quarter’s survey focused on understanding Cork businesses key calls in advance of the upcoming Budget. The survey results reported that the top priority areas which businesses believe the Government should target in Budget 2016 include increasing investment in crucial infrastructure priorities including road infrastructure and improving air connectivity from Cork Airport. In addition to strategies that increase employment; targeted investment in skills, education and health and mechanisms to reduce the tax burden and support SME’s were called for. When asked to identify specific measures businesses would like to see introduced in budget 2016 the clear priority of respondents centred on the reduction or elimination of the USC. Other key calls included increasing the scope of the R&D tax credit, decreasing income tax especially for middle and low income earners, reducing employers PRSI and reducing Capital Gains Tax.  


Interestingly despite these calls it was clear from the responses that businesses want the government to be prudent in developing Budget 2016 and to maintain their commitment to reducing National Debt and enhancing Ireland’s international relationship through responsible governance. 

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