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Does your work day revolve around your Inbox??!!

Personal Productivity using MS Outlook

Course Date: 25th March

Member Rate: €140.00

Would you like to have an EMPTY INBOX at the end of each day?!

Would you like to have an organised system that will help you work more effectively on a daily basis

Then this course is for you! It will provide you with a totally practical and workable solution to managing your workload and time more effectively.

The emphasis of the day is the practical application of the 'Time Management Best Practice' theory using MS Outlook as the tool. This course has been designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and competencies to effectively use Outlook as your organisational tool.

Following this course participants will:

ü  Be aware of Time Management theory (Best Practice)

ü  Be familiar with MS Outlook Shortcut Keys

ü  Be able to use timesaving everyday functionality in MS Outlook

ü  Have customised Outlook to make it work more effectively as a time management tool

ü  Know how to create tasks in order to prioritise and manage workload

ü  Know how to create tasks directly from email as an effective method of deferring less urgent work

ü  Have the ability to use the calendar and tasks to manage working days realistically

ü  Able to collaborate with other users through meeting invitations, sharing calendars etc.

This course is ideal for anyone who feels that there aren’t enough hours in the day and who is overwhelmed by their workload. This course is only €140.00 for Chamber members so don’t delay, BOOK TODAY!


Train the Trainer (FETAC Level 6)  

Course Dates:    3 days (24th & 31st March & 7th April) Must attend all three days.

Member Rate: €450.00

This 3 day course, one of our more popular, is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, deliver, assess and evaluate training programmes. It is suitable for people who are working in the area of training and development or who will soon be assuming a training position within their organisation. Participants on this course will gain practical experience and recognised certification (FETAC Level 6) as trainers.

At the end of this programme successful participants will be able to:


  • Understand different learning styles;
  • Explain critical elements of a trainers' role;
  • Understand the functions and processes of learning and training;
  • Evaluate different approaches to training;
  • Appreciate the importance of training on an individual, social and economic level;
  • Work effectively with a range of learner groups;
  • Explain the training needs analysis process and set appropriate training objectives;
  • Apply the principles of training design in preparing lesson plans;
  • Deliver training effectively in one-to-one and group situations, and select appropriate techniques for assessing trainee progress;
  • Identify different levels of evaluation and evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes;
  • Develop and implement appropriate assessment methods.

This course is ideal for Managers and/or supervisors responsible for the training and development of staff, individuals wishing to gain a professional, accredited qualification in the area of training and those who may be seeking to change direction in their professional lives and explore employment opportunities in the area of training.


So if you wish to gain a professional, accredited qualification in the area of training,BOOK TODAY!


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