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European funding available for ‘Human Resources Training Programme – Japan Industry Insight'

European funding available for ‘Human Resources Training Programme – Japan Industry Insight, 9 May to 3/10 June 2016, Tokyo, Japan

This 4/5 week managerial programme is being run by the EU Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation in Japan provides an outstanding opportunity for EU companies to understand Japanese industrial structure and business practices. It is aimed towards European managers who have a role in defining and implementing their companies’ policies in relation to Japan, who engage in business travel to Japan, or who wish to be kept informed about management practices there.

What is Human Resources Training Programme (HRTP)?

The Human Resources Training Programme (HRTP) is open to companies of varying sizes and its course content will include:

  • Lectures on Japanese history, economy, politics and legal matters
  • Japanese language and culture courses
  • Joint seminars with Japanese business people (with role-play exercises about decision-making, team management & negotiation)
  • Field trip outside Tokyo
  • Optional individual company visits and matchmaking activities during the 5th week


Special participation conditions for European SMEs

Participants from SME companies can benefit from up to €3,000 in scholarships.


For further information about this training programme, contact Eimear

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