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Winner of the Q4 2015 Economic Trends Survey Prize

We are delighted to announce Tom Leahy, CEO of BDM Boylan Solicitors, as the winner of the Q4 2015 Economic Trends Survey Prize. Cork Chamber would like to thank all those that complete the quarterly surveys as this information is invaluable in assessing and mapping out the business landscape of the region on an ongoing basis.

The Q4 2015 survey prize was sponsored by BiznetCork Skillnet with BDM Boylan Solicitors winning a €500 voucher for training from BizNetCork Skillnet’s extensive portfolio of courses. All courses offered are designed to provide attendees with proven methodologies and actionable practices to succeed in the most demanding business environment offering a broad course selection from Management Development, Sales, Finance and Marketing through to desktop skills there is something for all. 

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