In this issue
Business confidence reaches highest level since 2009
Cork City & County Councils recognised at Excellence in Local Government Awards
Subsidised Training
Is your business part of the digital economy??
Business Breakfast with Dan Kiely, Voxpro
Winning Public Sector Business Workshop
Annual Christmas Lunch
Chamber Supported Events
Bia Beauty has the winning formula
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber

Building a Business on Your Ideas Seminar, 25th November, Nimbus Centre, CIT

This seminar is aimed at entrepreneurs and inventors and is organised by the Patents Office, in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network, Enterprise Ireland, the Local Enterprise Office, and Cork Institute of Technology.

The seminar will specifically focus on the following:

  • The value of Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, designs, and copyright).
  • The support structures that are available for small businesses and start-ups from the government and from Europe.
  • Expert speakers from the private sector will include a patent attorney, a representative from a company named ‘Technology from Ideas’, a representative from the Industry, Research and Development Group, a local entrepreneur, and an expert on branding.
  • Other speakers will include representatives from the Patents Office, Enterprise Ireland, the Local Enterprise Office, the Enterprise Europe Network, and Cork Institute of Technology.


To register your place at this free seminar, please click here.


Accessing the UK Market, Wednesday 10th December, Rubicon Centre, CIT

Part 1: 08.00-12.00 – Seminar: Accessing the UK Market

Don’t down tools too early this year! 

On Wednesday 10th December the Enterprise Europe Network is collaborating with the Rubicon Centre on this 2-part market access event, which will give participants an overview of opportunities in the UK market (particularly for the ICT and food/drink sectors), UK public procurement contracts and supports for SMEs looking for assistance in researching and entering the UK.  The event will include presentations from the Rubicon Centre (TESLA project), Enterprise Europe Network, UKTI and JMB Partnership (UK).  Frank Madden of CREST solutions will provide the case study and outline his company’s UK journey. The seminar will take place in the Rubicon Centre, CIT.

NB: To register for this seminar on ‘Accessing the UK Market’ please email and specify if you would like to avail of 1:1 meetings with any of the support agencies afterwards.



Winning Public Sector Business Workshop, Wednesday 10th December, Rubicon Centre, CIT

Part 2: 12.30-16.30 – Workshop: Winning Public Sector Business

Following the lunch-break, attendees will have the option of booking 1:1 meetings with the support agencies, or of registering for a FREE half day workshop on “Winning public sector business”, hosted by the Rubicon Centre in CIT and supported by the EEN.   

Participants at the public procurement workshop will learn how to identify suitable tenders, avoid the typical mistakes and pick up tips and best practice when completing a tender document.  Public Procurement expert Toni Saraiva will help participants to understand how to give themselves the best chance of winning public sector contracts.

The public procurement workshop is available to book online by clicking here (places are limited).


UK Business Opportunities in the ICT and Food Sectors

  • A UK manufacturer of polypropylene (PP) plastic food packaging seeks Irish distributors which operate in the foodservice sector. The company’s catering packs are microwaveable, freezable, leak-proof, and reusable. For further information about this profile, contact and quote Ref. BOUK20140729002.
  • A UK manufacturer of marshmallows which are free-from gelatine, fat, nut, gluten, genetically modified organisms (GMO) and only contain natural colours and flavours seeks Irish distributors for its range of halal, coeliac, and vegetarian-friendly products. For further information about this profile, contact and quote Ref. BOUK20140718002.
  • A UK company specialised in cloud-based software solutions has developed an innovative, award-winning web application that enhances the user experience of staff with visual impairments, dyslexia, or literacy issues. The company is offering a distribution services agreement to potential partners, likely to be ICT resellers and distribution agents. For further information about this profile, contact and quote Ref. BOUK20130718005.
  • A UK SME has developed a unique and innovative flood-alert application licensed by the environmental agency which provides social network users with flood warnings through their accounts. The SME now seeks technical cooperation to further develop the mapping of this technology so it can be extended in Europe and also third countries. For further information about this profile, contact and quote Ref. 12 GB 43O3 3QPH.



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