In this issue
Inform the Chamber's Policy & Lobbying Priorities
Pre- Election Manifesto
Applications open for the 2nd National Age Friendly Awards
GLEN Workplace Equality Index Launch
Subsidised Training
Impact Your Bottom Line
Empowering your Digital Future
Startup Europe Week, 1st-5th February 2016
EU Sustainable Energy Award
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Inform the Chamber's Policy & Lobbying Priorities

Our fourth economic trends survey of 2015 gathers data on the financial performance and business experiences of member companies over Q4.  The survey also seeks your outlook across a number of key financial measures for the forthcoming quarter and this quarter. As this is an election year, a number of survey questions focus on the forthcoming elections and we hope to hear your views as regards priority areas for Election 2016 and this will be used to inform the direction of the Cork Chamber Pre-Election Manifesto 2016. Cork Chamber is also hoping to progress with an initiative which is aimed at empowering and smoothing the path for member businesses to navigate and engage with existing government backed employer/job seeker supports and ask for the participation of member businesses who have experience of various employment supporting schemes such as JobBridge, Jobs Plus, to input into this section of the survey.


This quarter's survey prize is sponsored by BizNetCork Skillnet’s. Your organisation can win a €500 voucher for training from BizNetCork Skillnet’s extensive portfolio of courses, designed to provide attendees with proven methodologies and actionable practices to win in the most demanding business environment.  With courses offered in Management Development, Sales, Finance and Marketing through to desktop skills there is something for all.


To complete the survey please click here.
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