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Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber

Horizon 2020 Industry Leadership Pillar Information Day, 28 July 2015, UCC, Cork

This information seminar will take place in UCC’s Western Gateway Building and will focus on upcoming Horizon 2020 opportunities under the Industry Leadership Pillar. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever. The programme’s three key pillars are: Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges.

The Industrial Leadership pillar aims to speed up the development of the technologies and innovations that will underpin tomorrow’s businesses and help innovative European SMEs to grown into world-leading companies.

At the event on 28th July, the National Contact Points (NCPs) in Ireland for Horizon 2020 will introduce the Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for the upcoming 2016/2017 call and this will cover the sub programmes of ICT, Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Space, SME Instrument and the Fast Track Innovation Pilot. There will also be the opportunity for 1:1 meetings with the NCPS. To register your free place for this event, click here.


10.30am – Registration

11.00am – Welcome – Dr David O’Connell – Director of Support Services UCC

11.10am – Intro to the day – MC – Mr Victor Acinas Technology Centre for Applied Nanotechnology.

11.15am – The ICT Work Programme 2016-7 – Mr Stephen O’Reilly – National Delegate and Contact Point for H2020 ICT in Ireland, Enterprise Ireland

11.45am – The NMPB Work Programme 2016-7 – Dr Sergio Ceballos - National Delegate and Contact Point for H2020 NMPB in Ireland, Enterprise Ireland

12.15pm – The SME Instrument and Fast Innovation Pilot – Mr Sean Burke - National Delegate and Contact Point for H2020 SMEs in Ireland, Enterprise Ireland

12.45pm – SME perspective H2020 – Inform Bio Ltd – Dr Hillary Cronin

13.10pm – Academic perspective H2020 – TBC

13.25pm – Final Remarks and close – Dr Sonia Monteiro – Research Support Services UCC

13.30pm – Lunch

14.30pm – 1 to 1s individual meetings – H2020 National Contact Points 

Hosts wanted for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is an exchange programme for entrepreneurs financed by the European Union. The person you host gets a grant, and there is no charge to your company. This offers you the opportunity to share experiences with new entrepreneurs who will work with you at your own company base. The exchange lasts for between one and six months. Hosts are currently required in the Cork area.

The benefits of hosting a new entrepreneur include the opportunity to get input from the fresh ideas and new skills of a motivated new entrepreneur. You can tap into the knowledge of other European markets and develop your international contacts, without moving from your office. The exchange could be the starting point to find new opportunities for your business.

Requirements for taking part in the programme as a host entrepreneur:

  • You are a permanent resident in one of the European countries;
  • You are the owner-manager of a small or medium-sized enterprise or a person directly involved in entrepreneurship at board level;
  • You have been running your own company for several years;
  • You are willing to share your knowledge and experience with a new entrepreneur and act as a mentor.

For further information about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, contact George Bulman at the Rubicon Centre

Irish Sales Agents required! 

Agrobutrinti is a Kosovan market leader supplying a range of glass façades; aluminium-framed windows; balcony doors; sliding doors; accordion doors; entrance doors and glass railings. The company provides a complete service from producing the conceptual architectural design, through to manufacturing design, complete manufacture in its own state-of-the-art facility, and complete on-site installation to suit individual customer requirements. The company is a preferred supplier for many new building developments in Kosovo and previous contracts include Pristina Airport, Government Hall of Justice, shopping centres and plazas. AgroBrutrinti has worked extensively with overseas companies and the products are ISO 9001-2008 certified. The company is actively trying to appoint Irish sales agents for the product range. For further information about this range, contact


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