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Business Breakfast with Caroline Dowling, Flextronics
Business Owners Hub
Chamber Supported Events
How to use LinkedIn to Hire/Market/Sell
Chamber Supported Projects
National Job Shadow Day, 9th April
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Member News
The PMI National Conference

The PMI National Conference is taking place on 10th April 2014 in the Aviva Stadium, Dublin.

The PMI will present Ireland's premier Project Management event which will include many distinguished speakers, including Bob Savage, Country Leader EMC, complemented by networking, panel discussion sessions and an option to take a tour of the beautiful Aviva Stadium.

Attending this conference will ensure you stay up to date with the latest topics in the project management profession. Learn about practical and proven project techniques and gain new business or potential clients while networking with the experts.

Click here to book – special discounted price for Members of €125.