In this issue
Chamber Supported Events
Cork Simon Christmas Jumper Day
Be Part of the ‘I WISH’ Story 2016
Subsidised Training
Digital Marketing Strategy
Introduction to Certification of Green Buildings
Cork Chamber’s Annual Christmas Lunch in association with Brightwater Recruitment Specialists
International Opportunities
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International Opportunities

Competition Time!

There are currently seven consultations open related to a Digital Single Market theme. If you complete one or more of these consultations and send us the reference number you receive on completion of the questionnaire, then your name will go into a draw for a fantastic prize of a one night’s stay for two, including breakfast, at the Kingsley Hotel. Please send us your confirmation numbers by 30 November 2015.


  1. Review of the Satellite & Cable Directive (Open 24 August - 16 November 2015)
  2. Evaluation & review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks & services (Open 11 September - 7 December 2015) 
  3. The needs for Internet speed & quality beyond 2020 (Open 11 September - 7 December 2015)
  4. ICT Standards (Open 23 September - 16 December 2015)
  5. Online platforms, cloud & data, liability of intermediaries, collaborative economy (Open 24 September - December 2015) 
  6. Tackling unjustified geo-blocking (Open 24 September until late December 2015)
  7. Legislative proposals to reduce the administrative burden on businesses arising from different VAT regimes (Open 25 September - 18 December 2015)


For further information about these consultations, contact


European SME Week

This European Commission initiative aims to inform entrepreneurs about the EU supports available at a local, regional and national level. Its ultimate aim is to encourage more people to become entrepreneurs.

Events will be held across 37 participating countries and the majority of European and international events will take place in Brussels. The main event takes place together with the SME Assembly and the European Enterprise Promotion Awards Ceremony.


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