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Cork Chamber calls for N28 to be Prioritised
Potential for 2,228 new jobs

Cork Chamber has called on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Mr. Paschal Donohoe T.D., during his visit to Cork on Monday, to ensure priority status is afforded to the upgrade of the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road in the upcoming capital programme.


Cork Chamber believes that the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road upgrade  is a project that needs to be prioritised status due to the wider economic benefits its delivery will bestow on the region. Delivery of an upgrade to the N28 would offer a significantly improved capacity to serve and enhance the key industry cluster of multinationals and indigenous firms operating in the Ringaskiddy area. These make a substantial contribution to the health of both the Cork and national economy. The upgrade will also maximize the potential of our marine economy which is projected to grow exponentially in the years ahead through the work in the Irish Marine Energy Research Cluster (IMERC).


Cork Chamber commissioned Indecon International Economic Consultants to carry out an economic assessment on the scheme which showed that an upgrade of the road had the potential to create 2,228 jobs in additional direct employment, with an estimated €173 million in annual direct financial impacts.

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