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Port of Cork Business After Hours
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Port of Cork Business After Hours

Date: 17th September
Time:  5.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Port of Cork Boardroom
Cost: FREE for Cork Chamber members
To Book: Visit our website  HERE

Cork Chamber will hold the September Business After Hours Event at the Port of Cork building on Custom House Quay on Tues 17th September.

The Port of Cork is the key seaport on the south of Ireland and acts as a major facilitator of both imports and export. The Port of Cork also attracts on average 100,000 cruise passengers and crew to the region every year, which in turn contributes significantly to the local economy.  This event will give you a unique opportunity to see the historical Port of Cork building and will also give you an opportunity to network, meet potential clients and grow your business.

Please note that although this event is FREE for you, there is a cost to the organiser so we ask that if you or your guests can’t attend on the night, you let us know.  You can BOOK HERE to secure your place.

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