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Cork City advances in Purple Flag Award application
Cork Chamber Launches Pre Budget Submission 2016
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Cork Digital Marketing Awards
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Food for Thought: Trends and Opportunities in the UK Food and Drink Market
Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
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6km Blue Balloon Fun Run & Walk

Autism now affects 1:100 individuals in Ireland which is why the demand for services at the CAA is increasing. All funds raised from this event will go towards the building of a new Day Service Centre in Mogeely for adults on the autistic spectrum. Building work began in March and the centre is due to be open in September. It will have four activity rooms and a relaxation room and will allow the CAA to provide additional skill development opportunities and multidisciplinary therapies to their clients. It is costing €300,000 to build which is why they need your support now more than ever.

 Entry fee if €15 for adults, €5 for children under 12 and FREE with a sponsorship card. Online registration is available at or you can call 021 453 3642 for a sponsorship card.

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