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BeCounted is a one day seminar created to provide a learning environment for females to support them with their professional development.

BeInspired: Hear the stories of successful females on navigating their professional journey’s to become authentic leaders and positive role models.  Speakers include Margot Slattery, MD Sodexo Ireland and Lisa Clancy, ex Director of Communications at GAA.


BeConnected:Attend facilitated interactive masterclasses to share knowledge, create action plans, collaborate and learn from each other.


Masterclass 1: Getting what you want from work & managing your daily guilt, Alex Kotsos (MD, Mumager)

Masterclass 2: Leaders from Venus - Understanding Personal Leadership Skills, MonicaMurphy (Monere Development Services)

Masterclass 3: The Successes & Pitfalls of setting up a corporate Gender Diversity Agenda,  Deirdre McLoughlin (Arete Consulting)


Be Valued: Accompany Elaine Doyle , Lead infrastructure security engineer , as she takes us on her  journey of self-discovery to understand her contribution to her business and position her value to realise her professional aspirations.  Shane Cradock, leading coach to many professionals will help us unlock the self-imposed and organisational barriers we face as we continue on the journey to gender parity in the workforce.


The event is aimed at middle to future business leaders/professionals driving and participating in gender diversity in the workforce of today.


The event will be hosted on the day by Mary Smithwick, Deputy News Editor Evening Echo and Opening Address will be given by Minister Sean Sherlock.


More details on the event and speakers can be found here 

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