Cork, a place of equal opportunity

Achieving a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion in an organisation is often easier said than done. Despite equality legislation and policies, inequality still exists both nationally and globally. At Cork chamber we champion Cork as a great place for business, and as a place of equal opportunity for people of all backgrounds, beliefs and identities. This Pride week we are celebrating DEI and showcasing some of our projects which support this ambition.


According to the FDI Intelligence European Cities and Regions of the future report, Cork was ranked across several different categories, placing 1st for economic potential, 6th for business friendliness and 7th for the city’s foreign direct investment strategy. Given these projections on Cork's potential, it is clear that a growing number of people from all over the world will consider the city region home, bringing their diverse cultures, languages, ethnicities, abilities and ideas along with them. It is essential that employers foster Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) within their workplaces.


Here in Cork Chamber we are committed to improving our own DEI policies and practices, as well as assisting our members on their own DEI journeys. A good starting point for any organisation is to have an understanding of what the terms mean. They are often used interchangeably but actually must be treated independently if real change is to take place. For example, a diverse workforce is not the same as an inclusive environment.


This week is Cork Pride week and the theme of the festival is Proud To Be. Cork Chamber is delighted to support the Work with Pride Diversity & Inclusion Conference which has a superb agenda covering a range of topics that will help inspire workplaces that are inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We are also proud to be a member of the Work with Pride Professional Business Network.


Each one of us has a role to play in achieving a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion, not just in the workplace but in the community and Cork as a whole. Below are just some of the projects and initiatives that we are involved in within our office and in within our community. Together let's champion Cork as a place of equal opportunity for people of all backgrounds, beliefs, identities and abilities. 


Naoimh Frawley

Director of People, Operations & Governance

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