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Have Your Say on the City Centre Movement Strategy Consultation

On the 10th April Cork Chamber attended a stakeholder meeting as part of the City Centre Movement Strategy Consultation organised by Cork City Council. At this meeting presentations were made by Arup on the Phase 1 and 2 developments of this 5 phase strategy. The first two phases include works to facilitate enhanced movement of traffic around the Washington street/Greenville Place/Batcher’s Quay areas and also introduce a restriction of vehicles using St Patrick’s Street with the exception of busses and taxis at certain times of the day.


Information and drawings for the scheme will be available at the reception of the Cork City Council building as part of the public consultation. Cork Chamber will be making a submission on behalf of our members in advance of the submission deadline of the 5th of June. If you would like to contribute to the Chamber’s submission please send any feedback on the City Centre Movement Strategy to Claire  before COB, Monday 18th May. 

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