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Ground-breaking Plans for Cork
Purple Flag Award Success for Cork City
Successful REMCAP Workshop on Maritime Autonomous Systems
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Countdown to Startup Gathering Cork begins
The Startup Gathering now has in excess of 360 events registered
Subsidised Training
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October Business Breakfast

Date: Thursday 8th October
Time: 7.30am
Venue: Cork International Hotel


Cork Chamber is delighted to announce that Pat Byrne, Executive Chairman of CityJet will speak at the October Business Breakfast.

CityJet announced 3 daily flights from Cork to London City Airport which will “take off” on October 1st, giving business and tourist travellers the opportunity for increased access to and from a very central London City Airport.

After spending more than 20 years in the financial services sector in Dublin and developing a successful insurance and investment business, Pat founded CityJet in 1994 after completing a franchise deal with Richard Branson of Virgin.  After many developments including a sale of CityJet to Air France, in May 2014 CityJet was sold to private equity and Pat resumed control as Executive Chairman.  

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