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Learn how to write it, then how to say it!
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Learn how to write it, then how to say it!

E-Mail & Business Writing Course

Course Date: Thursday 30th January

Member Rate: €140.00

This course is designed to give the participants an understanding of the importance of written communication in delivering the core message of their organisation and its brand. Specifically, it will present the techniques to create e-mails and documents with a clear, logical structure to organise their ideas and key points. It will have a practical focus with the participants creating and completing the exercises which demonstrate the salient points of grammar etc.

Following this course, you will:

  • Understand the importance of active management of the written communication process as an essential skill in getting the information from others, setting clear direction, building trust and creating and maintaining customer relationships
  • Understand that writing clearly is a professional business skill
  • Have a logical structure to create effective e-mails
  • Realise that the content and tone of their emails can influence the reactions of the readers
  • Know how to properly structure e-mails
  • Avoid common grammar and punctuation errors
  • Practice the techniques and tips to create professional emails and create an action plan to apply them
  • Recognise that professional writing is a career skill which enhances employability

This course will include:

  • Writing to represent your brand
  • Back to basics
  • Choosing your words carefully
  • Special kinds of business writing
  • Good business style
  • E-Mail as a communication tool
  • Internal e-mail
  • Writing for a global audience

This one day course is ideal for those people who are responsible for communicating in writing with internal and/or external customers or clients so BOOK NOW!


Effective Presentation Skills

Course Date: Wednesday 19th February

Member Rate: €130.00

This course combines the perfect balance of theory with practical presentation techniques over one day resulting in a comprehensive training course giving participants the skills required to deliver effective presentations in a clear, concise and confident manner. Participants will learn how to structure a presentation to gain maximum effect and impact, control their nerves and convey a professional image through the presentation.

Participants will practice and deliver their presentation a number of times throughout the day. One of these sessions is recorded and feedback will be offered.

Following this course, participants will:

  • Understand the importance of knowing your audience
  • Plan an effective presentation
  • Overcome Nerves
  • Beginning and ending a presentation successfully
  • Be familiar with a strong presentation structure
  • Getting the audiences's attention and keeping it
  • Establishing the audience's attention and keeping it
  • Properly using your eyes, hands, voice and stance
  • Handling Q & A

This course is aimed at those who would like to gain confidence when designing and delivering a presentation and would like to learn a process that can be applied for all future presentations.

Participants should come to the course with a Presentation topic in mind. When choosing your topic, bear in mind that initially you will build your presentation around your chosen topic and deliver it at the end of the day. Therefore, it should be a topic that you are familiar with and one that you would be comfortable speaking on. It can, but does not have to be work related. BOOK NOW!


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