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Build Your Business in International Markets

Enterprise Ireland’s Market Access Grant Scheme


If you are an Enterprise Ireland client and meet the following criteria then you are eligible for a Market Access Grant:

  1. Have more than 10 full-time employees in Ireland;
  2. Are engaged in an eligible manufacturing or service activity in the Republic of Ireland;
  3. Have a sufficient available De Minimis balance;
  4. Companies must not be eligible to receive the support applied for from An Bord Bia or An Bord Iascaigh Mhara;
  5. A) The company must be trading for more than 6 years and have sustainable revenues of at least €500k;


B) The company, if not trading for more than 6 years, has annual sustainable revenues of at least €500k, achieved a positive EBITDA for the previous 9 months and can demonstrate sustainable positive EBITDA;

  1. Large companies are eligible on a case by case basis;

Additionally, the project for which a Market Access Grant is sought must be:

  1. For a new geographic market
  2. In cases where the projects are for markets where the company is already selling, the grant can only be for new products/services to that market.

Maximum grant:

The maximum grant funding is 50% of eligible expenditure and up to a maximum grant of €150,000.

Eligible activities:

The grant is designed to allow clients to undertake market research to:

  1. Prove that a market opportunity exists
  2. Determine the best route to market
  3. Identify channel partners
  4. Identify target customers
  5. Develop a market or customer specific value proposition
  6. Develop an appropriate messaging strategy for the target market and customers


Application Procedure:

Prior to applying for funding, applications must be discussed with your Enterprise Ireland Development Advisor and preferably with the Market Adviser in the relevant target market as well. Application forms are available through market advisors within the target markets only.

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