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M20 is a key catalyst for economic development
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Leadership in Action
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Leadership in Action

Date: Thursday, 4th June

Time: 8.00am – 12.30pm

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island

Cost: €120 Cork Chamber members / €150 non members



This year’s half day experiential forum entitled 'Leadership In Action' , run in association with Laya Healthcare, will focus on the role of leadership and how embracing leadership at all levels can impact on the growth of organisations of all sizes. 

Why this is the event for you & your TEAM: 

  • Transform the way you think about leadership and breakthrough any hidden barriers that may be preventing you from leading effectively.
  • Recognise that there is a leader in everyone and identify how these qualities can be used for the benefit of your organisation.
  • Get the skills and mindset to become the leader you always knew you could be.
  • Discover your own leadership qualities - these will be identified by renowned Occupational Psychologist Neil O’Brien. 
  • Make a positive, lasting change and get ready to lead yourself and your team to greatness.

Sponsored by Laya Healthcare

Networking breaks sponsored by KPMG

Join the conversation on Twitter #LeadershipinAction 

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