In this issue
Welcome News For Corks’ Economic Development
Positive start to 2015 for the Cork Economy
Survey Prize Winner
Subsidised Training
Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?
Maximise your Productivity!
Business Breakfast with Tim Lucey, Chief Executive, Cork County Council
Networking After Hours at the Cork International Hotel
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Survey Prize Winner
Cork Chamber would like to congratulate Gary Duffy, Excelsys Technologies on winning a One Night Luxury Stay for Two at Cork's premier five star hotel, Hayfield Manor, for completing our Q4 Economic Trends Survey. Many thanks to all those who completed this quarter’s economic survey. 

Your input is greatly appreciated and highlighted a number of positive trends around confidence levels, turnover, net profits and employment. However, the survey findings also highlighted a number of factors that businesses believe pose a threat to growth and require careful monitoring to reduce any associated risks. The top three threats to business growth reported by respondents related to cost competitiveness, taxation levels and over-regulation. The Chamber will continue to communicate the importance of these issues to relevant policy and financial bodies.
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