In this issue
Purple Flag proudly displayed at Kent Station
Knowledge Transfer Ireland – connecting business with cutting edge research
€600,000 Funding Programme for Social Entrepreneurs
Subsidised Training
Revitalise your Corporate Communications!
April Business Breakfast featuring Seamus Fives, Pfizer
April Business After Hours hosted by Tyco, onealbertquay
Women in Leadership Executive Lunch
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Revitalise your Corporate Communications!

Inspiring Video Journalism

22nd April, ½ day Workshop

  • This interactive workshop by renowned broadcaster and journalist Barbara McCann is returning to Cork on the 22nd April next.
  • Getting attention on-line is not an easy task.
  • Video is a vibrant and dynamic platform that allows you to communicate instantly and easily with your prospects and customers.
  • You will learn how to professionally create and edit a video using your iPad/iPhone together with iMovie.
  • Learn how to capture high-quality video footage, set up and film interviews.

Witness the advent of citizen journalism and revitalise your corporate communications.

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