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Improve your relationship with your Team and with your Customers!

Influencing & Negotiating Skills

Course Dates: 26th & 27th May

Member Rate: €245.00

Is this course for me?

This course is ideal for anyone who wishes to improve their persuading, influencing and negotiating skills. This is particularly relevant for anyone in the areas of marketing, sales, advertising & buying.


What’s in it for Me?

Once you complete this course, you will:

  • acquire the skills to prepare and plan effectively for negotiations;
  • understand the roles and functions people play within the customer’s organisation with whom they are negotiating;
  • develop an awareness of strategies to deal with people in the customer organisation;
  • cultivate the persuasive style of conducting a professional sales negotiation;
  • understand how customer behaviour can influence the negotiation strategy, and
  • explore ways to identify and deal with common barriers to achieving goals.

These are key skills that once learned have applicability across both business and life situations.


Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)

Course Dates: 2nd, 8th & 15th June & 10th July

Member Rate: €525.00

The main purpose of this programme is to provide candidates with the tools and techniques necessary to work in a supervisory management role. You will learn the key areas of management such as roles and responsibilities, employment legislation, recruitment, performance management, data protection, operational planning and budgeting.

If you are new to the management area, thinking of moving or are an existing manager, this course is ideal for you.

At the end of this programme, successful participants will be able to:

  1. List the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor/line manager;
  2. Analyse the process of staff recruitment;
  3. Identify the key areas of workplace legislation and best practice in staff supervision;
  4. List the main provisions of the Data Protection Act;
  5. Develop operations manuals for work-related procedures, including systems for records management;
  6. Prepare departmental budgets, taking into account a range of potential expenses such as labour and material costs, insurances and contingency;
  7. Identify best practices in the ongoing training and development of their staff;

Manage performance and conduct effective performance appraisals.


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