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Cork Chamber Congratulates Winners of Transition Year Business Project Awards 2015
REMCAP Workshop at Maritime Days, Greece
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REMCAP Workshop at Maritime Days, Greece

On Thursday, 28th May Cork Chamber, along with participants from the REMCAP project will participate in a workshop entitled, 'Expanding Blue Growth around Ports and Facilities' at Maritime Days 2015. 

The workshop will focus on three key blue growth markets identified in the Commissions Blue Growth report, and their value chains, comprising: offshore wind farms; aquaculture; and marine renewable energy. The workshop aims at identifying how ports and other major facilities can leverage investment in blue growth, at exploring how maritime clusters can maximise this leverage, with emphasis on innovation and international competitiveness, building on the REMCAP project and at stimulating new collaborative relationships and consortia, involving cluster organisations, port & facility operators and innovative firms. 

For more about the workshop and speakers here

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